Do Orbeez Guns Hurt? Things You Need To Know – Complete Guide

Do Orbeez Guns Hurt

Parents’ First priority is children’s safety which is very important to consider while playing with an orbeez gun. Playing with an orbeez gun is a great deal of fun but a question arises in my mind do orbeez guns hurt and are they safe for your child?

In this article, I will let you know how much orbeez guns hurt and which factors you need to include for safe and enjoyable gameplay. So, Without wasting any time let’s discuss.

Factors That Determine How Hard The Orbeez Gun Will Hurt

There are several factors to determine how hard the gel ball will hurt. What are these Let us discuss them one by one.

Speed Or FPS Rating

FPS stands for feet per second how much speed or range your orbeez gun has. Most of the guns have a speed of 60 to 250 fps maximum. Which is less than the paintball and airsoft guns.

Airsoft and paintball guns have a speed of 300 FPS and more thats why it’s hurt the most. While Orbeez has a lower FPS. It does not mean that it will not hurt. If the FPS rate is high the orbeez ball travels at high speed. So it will result in getting hurt at higher FPS.

Orbeez Size And Weight

As we all know if a thing has a bigger size its weight will also increase. So size and weight of the Orbeez ball also impact. Big size orbeez hit a little bit harder that why it is not recommended to freeze and harder your orbeez.


The closer the target results harder the hitting rate. As the distance of the target increases the force and speed of the orbeez ball decrease. That is why it is recommended not to shoot the ball at a very close range. 

Orbeez gun causes of injuries

Type Of Orbeez Or blaster gun:

The thing to keep in mind is which type of gun you are using. Because orbeez and blaster guns have different firing mechanisms. Orbeez guns are battery-operated while gel blaster guns have compressed air mechanisms. Which is more powerful than the orbeez gun.

Upgrades And Modifications:

Upgrade and modify your gun to its maximum level increasing its powers and the rate of firing speed. Which you need to avoid and recommend to set to a medium level. 

Orbeez Gun Safety Guidelines: Tips To Avoid Getting Hurt

I share some safety tips and tricks on how to keep your orbeez gun game safe.

Must Use Eye Protection

While playing it is highly recommended to wear safety gear first. Always wear glasses while playing with the orbeez gun. 

Because Eyes are sensitive. A direct hit to your eye results in severe damage. Thats why All these gun comes up with glasses.

Note:  Always wear glasses while playing.

Wear full Clothing

Always wear full-sleeved clothes it will cover up your hands. You can also wear a complete kit like a paintball player do. It will improve your safety and you can enjoy your gameplay without any worries.

Do Not Use a gun at high speed

I recommend not using your gun at high speed While playing. You can lower the speed by using the speed feature. It is a good idea to play with these guns at a medium level. especially at close ranges.

Play Outdoors, Avoid Indoors

Instead of playing indoors with these guns, it is better to play outdoors. Because Orbeez gun fire gel at high speed it can damage your house equipment like glass, TV, and other stuff. Playing in the outdoors helps you to make your home safe and mess-free.

Never Shoot Near The Face

While playing make sure not to hit the orbeez ball on the face. As we all know our faces have sensitive parts like lips, ears, and neck. 

So it is not a good idea to shoot in the face even if you put on safety gear. Make a rule while playing not to aim at the face for safe and enjoyable gameplay.

Don’t Hit Random People

Don’t hit random people or strangers. You are not allowed to do that. In most states, there are strict laws if you do that it can cause serious criminal charges. 

Because random people do not wear protection. That is why I will not recommend hitting strangers in public places and on roads.

Maintain Minimum Distance

Always one thing to keep in mind that maintain a minimum distance of at least 3 to 5 meters. I know it is a difficult task in a battle. 

But you need to avoid and try your best not to shoot anyone from too close. Give them some time to maintain a distance then you can shoot and enjoy a safe battle.

Adult Supervision Is Important For Kids

I know it is a difficult task for a parent to supervise Their children. Make sure your child meets the minimum age requirement according to the gun features. I highly recommend you teach your child how to play and also the rules and regulations for a safe battle. 

Encourage them to always safety gear and never shoot on the face and in closer range. To avoid any injuries while playing make sure never to let your children play in the absence of a responsible family member or friend.

Which Orbeez gun Hurts The Most?

Orbeez gun having a speed of 250 FPS hurt the most. If you have a power gun that supports more speed than 250 FPS. I recommend not to use it at more than 250 FPS. Normally Moslty orbeez guns have a speed from 60 to 250 FPS. 

So you do not need to worry about that. Thats why we will also list some Best orbeez guns That will give you safe and enjoyable gameplay for your child.

Do Orbeez Guns Hurt More Than Airsoft?

No, Airsoft bullets are small projectiles made of plastic while on the other hand, Orbeez balls are soft water beads. The weight of airsoft bullets is more than a water bead. The Airsoft bullet is 0.20 grams and the orbeez ball is just 0.2 grams which is far more than the water beads. 

The airsoft average speed is 400 FPS which is also greater than the orbeez gun. Most of the orbeez guns have a maximum speed of 250 to 300 FPS. According to that analysis, It is clear that Airsoft Hurt more than Orbeez Guns.

Orbeez Or Paintball: Which One Hurts More?

Orbeez guns hurt less as compared to paintball. Because Orbeez is very lightweight as compared to paintball. Pain balls have a bigger size and weight than an orbeez. The paintball gun’s minimum shooting speed is 300 FPS While the orbeez gun has a maximum speed of 300 FPS. After analysing you can get a clear idea paintball hurt more than Orbeez Gun.

How Hard Do Orbeez Guns Impact Compared To Nerf Guns?

Nerf is a famous brand in the toy industry. Nerf launches too many gun models. So it is difficult to figure out. But I found that Nerf gun has a hard impact and hurts more as compared to orbeez. Because Nerf has plastic dart bullets which are bigger and heavier than orbeez. 

But do not worry Nerf also launched many orbeez guns in the market. if you are brand-conscious you can go with the Nerf orbeez guns too. I also add the best Nerf orbeez gun in our main article on Best orbeez gun.

What’s the Potential for Injury?

Usually, orbeez guns can cause injuries if they are not used properly according to the requirement.  The most common injuries we see are direct hits on the eyes. Which occurs not to use the sunglasses as a safety protection. 

Bruising on the face and body is also common. Firing to close at the range of high-speed FPS results in that injury. So it is highly recommended not to shoot your target at close range with high speed and play under the supervision of an elder family member. Never let your child play in the absence of supervision.

Best Ways to Treat Injuries from Orbeez Guns

If you have a serious injury from orbeez guns it is best to call a doctor or urgent care service as soon as possible. But if you have minor injuries like Bruising and scrapes you can treat these types of injuries at home Using Medication.

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