Are Orbeez Toxic to Dogs? Facts You Need To Know
Dogs have been a part of our lives. We love them as much as any other member of the family in the house. When we are playing fun orbeez gun games, dogs are also a part of our games and enjoy those entertaining moments. If our dog accidentally eats orbeez at this time, we get worried and think. Are orbeez toxic to dogs? Or eating orbeez to the dog will do nothing.
orbeez may be toxic to dogs, depending on how the dog reacts after eating them. I will give you a complete guide about this situation, because eating orbeez may hurt your dog. Let’s see how dogs react if the orbeez up turns out to be toxic to your dogs.
Understating Orbeez and Its Expansion in Water
Orbeez are water beads that swell to 100 times their original size after being soaked in water. We use them as decor, art, and in orbeez guns. Being soaked in water for a long time causes germs to grow in orbeez. So you are also at risk of getting allergic to them. After using, discard the extra orbeez and wash your hands thoroughly.
Are Orbeez Dangerous for Dogs?
Now we know how many times the orbeez can be larger than their original size. Now your dog has eaten these balls and they have gone into his stomach. After going into the stomach they will start to swell in the stomach and your dog’s stomach will start to become inflamed. The swelling of the stomach will prove dangerous for the health of the dog.
Symptoms of orbeez toxicity in dogs
Now, what are the toxic symptoms that indicate that a dog has a swell stomach? Let’s see:-
Irritation will start inside your dog’s stomach from orbeez swell. The dog vomits repeatedly to expel these orbeez.
Behavioral change
You will notice that your dog’s behavior will be different than before. Because of the swelling of the orbeez, he will start having pain in his stomach. His mood will look depressed rather than happy.
Running out of water
The water in the dog’s stomach will begin to dehydrate as the orbeez begins to absorb the water. This will affect your dog’s kidneys. Because the kidneys always need water. So, the dog’s kidneys may also start to hurt.
Obstruction of eat
A dog’s alimentary canal is stressed by the swelling of the orbeez, causing them to contract. Due to this reason, the food does not reach the dog’s stomach. Because of this, your dog starts to feel weak and lethargic.
Additionally, these symptoms can also be found in your dog which are
- Diarrhea,
- Abdominal pain, discomfort
- Loss of appetite
- Dehydration
- Difficulty breathing
- Discolored urine
- Tremors, seizures
- Collapse and loss of consciousness
What to Do If Dog Eats Orbeez
There is no need to panic if your dog has eaten the orbeez. When toxic symptoms appear in your dog, there are a few precautions to take.
- Give your dog less water, which will cause the orbeez to grow less in his stomach So that the balls start to hydrate inside the stomach.
- If you feel that your dog’s condition is getting worse, contact the vet.
- When your dog feels better after a bad condition, also call the vet as a precaution. If your dog is still fine after eating the orbeez, still consult a vet as a precaution.
Some dogs are fine with eating orbeez and some are affected, so it depends on what type of dog you have.
How Soon Symptoms May Appear?
Symptoms of toxicity in dogs may take a few days or appear immediately after eating orbeez.
This will depend on how many orbeez your dog has eaten. So if your dog has eaten the balls, keep him under your supervision so that you know if the dog’s condition worsens or not.
Keeping orbeez away from dogs is better than cure them
Nowadays dogs have become a part of our lives and are like a members of our family. We have to take care of them as we take care of our children. Eating the orbeez can harm the dog’s health, so it is best to keep the balls out of the dog’s reach. Let me tell you what precautions you can take to protect your dog from worse conditions.
Store Orbeez
Store orbeez out of reach of your dog’s paws. For example, you can put it on top of a cupboard or place it in a high place where it is impossible for your dog to reach.
Supervise playtime
When your kids are playing orbeez gun game or doing some other activity with orbeez. So when they’ve finished their playtime, make sure there aren’t any orbeez left behind for the dog to eat.
Choose Alternatives
You know that dogs love to play, so you should choose toys for them that are very strong and have been designed with their precautions in mind to prevent them from getting hurt.
Pet Expert
If your dog has a habit of eating non-food items or already has this habit, you should contact a good pet advisor and ask him how you can prevent your dog from eating non-food items.
Common Myths and Misconceptions: Are Orbeez Toxic to Dogs
The world is full of advice on how to care for pets and what precautions we should take for them. So the orbeez that are a little bit newer than them are also of a similar type. let’s go we set the concept of orbeez straight.
Orbeez are like a dog toy
In fact, orbeez is not made for dog toys. If the dogs eat them while playing, it can cause a serious condition in the dog and can be dangerous to his health.
A few Orbeez won’t harm my Dog
Some dogs are bred in such a way that nothing happens to them if they eat orbeez. But it’s best to keep your dogs away from it because a reaction can happen at any time.
Are Orbeez Poisonous to Dog
I have mentioned before that orbeez are not toxic but it depends on your dog’s condition after eating it. If these enter your dog’s stomach and begin to swell, then they may prove to be a toxin.
What should I do if my Dog eats orbeez
If your dog has eaten the balls, it may not necessarily show symptoms immediately, it may take some time, so if you suspect that your dog has eaten the balls, contact the vet immediately.