Are Orbeez guns illegal in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia?
If you have purchased or are planning to purchase an orbeez gun for your child? But you are worried and want to know whether the use of these guns is legal or illegal. Because the shape of these guns is very similar to the real gun.
I am here to give you a complete guide about these orbeez guns in which you can know whether these guns are illegal or legal.
Orbeez guns are legal because these toy guns are used to play games for fun and enjoyment. But it depends on where you live. Each country, city, and state has different laws about these guns Where you can use them, like in some states and cities it is prohibited to use them in public or local areas. Let’s not waste time and know about their legal status.
Are Orbeez Guns Illegal in the USA? The General Perception
Orbeez guns are legal to use in the USA because these guns are considered toys, but the USA has its own state and city laws, with some states and cities having very strict laws on them and others being very liberal.
Let’s see what states and cities have laws governing their use.
In Texas, you can use these orbeez guns everywhere in this state because all the residents who live here own their weapons. You can enjoy these fake blaster gun games with your kids in public places like the park or outside your home.
But one thing should be kept in mind: if you try to scare any person by using these fake guns, you can be prosecuted.
In California, you have to follow a penal law that has code 20170, Which means no one can display fake guns in a public place. Orbeez guns are fake and don’t hurt you, but according to the penal code, their use in public places is prohibited. If you use or display them in a public place, you will face strict legal action.
New York
New York state passed a new law in August 2022. According to this law, those toy guns that look the same as real are banned. If you want to enjoy orbeez guns or take them to your kids to play with, keep in mind that an orbeez gun should not look like a real gun. It should look like a toy and not a real gun So that the police officers can easily distinguish between genuine and fake.
These are the four things you should always keep in mind while you want to enjoy these blaster guns:
- These orbeez guns should never have a laser point attached to them.
- The company you bought the gun from must have the name of the manufacturer written on the gun.
- The barrel of the gun must be made of the same material as the gun itself.
- The color of these fake guns should be bright like blue, purple, red, yellow, green, and pink.
According to Florida law, the barrel of a fake gun must have an orange tip in order to distinguish between the original and the imitation. If you don’t, your fake gun will be considered illegal and you could be prosecuted.
The orange tip on the gun barrel indicates that this gun is fake. As long as you follow Florida law, you can enjoy playing with fake guns anywhere with your kids. So this means you can use orbeez guns only if their barrel is in orange color.
New Jersey
In New Jersey, you can enjoy this fake gun game everywhere like in Texas. But you must follow the rules which are the same as Florida state, that the barrel of your Orbeez gun should be an orange tip.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you can use every color of orbeez guns except blue, black, aluminum, and silver. Orange stripes must be used and stripes can never be removed the last thing which is the width of the barrel must be up to an inch.
In Hawaii, you can’t display orbeez or other fake guns in public places. These guns must be wrapped with a cover. One of the most important points is not to show these guns in front of public officers while they perform their duties. If you do not follow the rules about these fake guns then you could be prosecuted.
Carolinas, Georgia
In Carolinas and Georgia Police officers are warning people about using gel plastic guns. If you use it to disturb people then they will take serious action against you. They say the width of the barrel must be one inch to understand a fake gun. An orange tip on the barrel must be attached for recognition Because these fake blaster guns look like real guns. Better to use it to play on your private property.
Are Orbeez Guns illegal in Australia?
In Australia, there is a ban on the orbeez guns except for one place called Queen Island. On this island, You can play with these blaster guns there. But in Australia, nobody is allowed to sell these blaster guns Because according to them, these guns are not safe and can harm people.
Are Orbeez guns illegal in Canada?
No, Orbeez guns are not illegal in Canada. Just don’t harm and annoy others while playing with it. People of all ages can use it But keeping in mind the safety standards that the Canadian government has set. If safety standards are not met then it will be illegal.
Are Orbeez guns legal in the UK?
The use of these Orbeez guns is legal in the UK. If you scare or target people and animals with it, then you may be prosecuted. The best way is to use it on your property and enjoy it. There are some models of fake guns that are prohibited because they are too powerful and prone to injury.
Do You Need Any License To Play With Orbeez Gun?
You don’t need a license to play with a gel gun. But depending on your state, it is important to know whether there is a ban on it or what conditions and rules are set for the use of gel blastic.
How Old Do You Have To Be To Use Orbeez Gun?
Most manufacturing company allows to use of These Orbeez Guns after 9 years old but it is good if children play at the age of 14 years old under the supervision of an adult.
Can You Shoot Orbeez Gun In Your Backyard?
Yes, you can play or shoot with an Orbeez gun in your backyard with your loved one. Because so far no law has been enforced to ban it in any state.
Is It Illegal To Remove The Orange Tip On Orbeez Gun?
In some US states like New York, Carolinas, Georgia, New Jersey, and Hawaii removing the orange tip on a Gel Blaster can be illegal Because the law has made some rules to use them for recognition in real or fake guns.
Some Tips to Safely Keep Fake Guns
What should we do so that we can safely enjoy our game with fake guns and not break the rules and regulations? Let’s see
- An orange tip must be attached to the barrel.
- The name of the manufactured company has not been removed.
- The width of the barrel must be one inch.
- The barrel of fake guns must be made of the same material.
- Always use those color guns that are bright like bright green, bright blue, bright pink, and bright yellow.
- Avoid hitting the eyes with the bullets of these fake guns.
- Keep them covered in something when you’re traveling.
Places where Orbeez Guns Can be Illegal.
In some places, orbeez guns can be illegal because of not following the rules of law. Which will violate the law and real action can be taken against you. Let’s see which places it can be illegal:-
A school is a place of peace and your child goes there to get an education. Children of all ages study there. Parents should not let their children carry these guns to school because even if small children are there, they can be scared to see them. Your kids can also tease other kids with this fake gun. In this case, this fake gun will be illegal.
Public Places
In some states, these fake Orbeez guns will be considered illegal if you go with this gun in a public place because somebody will be scared after seeing this gun.
In some states, these guns will be allowed in public places but according to their rules and regulations. So first check the authorities of the state and then take it to the public place.
Public Transport
Public transport, which is a place for people to travel, if harassing people with this gun during the journey, pretending to threaten, then it does not fall within the scope of the law, which is a violation of the law, therefore it is illegal.
Commercial Places
In commercial properties, whether one has one’s own space or is in a crowded place where there is a lot of traffic or an office, mall center, etc. It may be illegal to use fake guns according to their law.
International Travel
If you are going to travel abroad, you have to check that the rules and instructions there are whether they allow these toy guns to be fired or not. If it is not legal then you can have a lot of trouble so check these things before you go and then take this toy gun with you on your trip.
Reasons Behind the Illegality of Orbeez Guns
Orbeez guns are legal in most states but people don’t know the reasons for their illegality. Let’s see the reasons behind the illegality of orbeez guns:-
Public Disruption and Safety Concerns
If you disturb people in public places like parks and local areas or if someone feels scared of you after seeing the fake gun in your hands then it will be considered an illegal activity. Because the law does not allow you to create fear in people for your enjoyment.
Looks Like a Real Weapon
Don’t use those orbeez guns that look like real guns if you do that then it will be illegal.
Orbeez guns are very similar to real weapons. We should get guns that are bright enough in color. Always use those colors in these fake guns which make them different from real guns. An orange tip must be used on the barrel.
Can Cause Injury
These imitation guns are just made for fun and enjoyment. These simulation guns are designed keeping in mind that they will not cause any kind of injury to any human being. But if you target someone from close range, he may get injured then it will be considered illegal.
State’s Toys Laws and Regulations
We all know these orbeez guns known as toy guns. But which places should be played?
Each state has different rules and regulations for this. So before playing with these guns check the authorities of your state for this toy.